Underarm hyperhydrosisTreatment of axillary hyperhidrosis in Germany.Axillary hyperhydrosis – is a very strong selection of underarm sweat or excessive sweating. Hyperhydrosis treatment in Germany.Axillary hyperhydrosis is a disproportionate sweating of armpits. Most people find it is annoying, because hyperhydrosis often goes along with no perspiration control and a strong body odor. In the past, attempts were made to treat this condition, including by injection of botulin toxin ( Botox ). Unfortunately it provides only short-term results and therefore should be repeated regularly. German experts have developed a new technique for extraction of sweat glands that allows 90% of patients to get a long term results. The method of an extraction of the sweat glands is based on the technique of liposuction (fat removal). Only experienced surgeons can do it successfully. Analysis of the extent and function of the sweat glands is needed to make a proper recommendations. |