Category Archives: All news of Medicine
 Medicine in Germany
Typical Soviet armed diagnosis
In the opinion of the German doctors in the “Soviet” (now in Russian) medicine often with the diagnosis of the disease is not there! It is about the so-called diagnosis of VSD, i.e. vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is usually make the toda, if not able to (or not want), in through accurate diagnosis, patients complain about the following complaints: frequent headaches, General weakness, dizziness, pain in the region of the heart, drop in blood pressure or the imbalance of the body.
For this these doctors believe the “diagnosis” vegetative-vascular dystonia is incurable and is one of the chronic diseases. Thus, they are “stamped” as a patient “for life” and leave him alone with this disease.
Lack of Knowledge in the East
The German medicine thinks that the diagnosis of “Vegetative dystonia” is very controversial. Critics see it as a scientifically not justified. The term as such is so far-fetched that terms such as “functional disorders”, “malaise”, “Stress-syndrome”, “exhaustion of the mental and physical condition” or “psychosomatic symptoms” also apply to the description of the condition of the patient.
It is not always disturbances are purely of a psychological nature, in the different kind of physical ailments without any laboratory confirmation. There are also other diseases, for example, under the influence of the social environment or a natural disaster, which may result in secondary psychiatric disorders. The man must be the organic unity of the Psyche, the soul and the body. Every mental vibration can traces and lead to a different kind of changes in the physical state, and Vice versa, see → psycho-physical correlation.
Opinion and recommendations of the German doctors
The diagnosis of “Vegetative dystonia” — in Germany more than a cure and these kind of complaints without any problems treatable in Germany.
The whole thing only in the correct diagnosis of the causes for the symptoms of vascular dystonia.
Therefore, the Patient should be as fast as possible, pass through deep diagnostics in Germany for the following specialists:
under the question of the ENT and psychiatrist.
Clinical diagnosis
Heavy spinal cord trauma. Unstable fracture dislocation of body. C6. Hurt crushing of spinal cord. Superior flabby Para paresis, lower paraplegia. Dysfunction of pelvis organs on central type. Condition after posterior and anterior spondylosyndesis. Condition after tracheostomy, epicystostomy. Sepsis. Septic shock on background of bilateral infiltrate pneumonia. Serious degree of anemia.
The patient was brought to Regional Medical Centre by these complains:pains on the neck part,nonmovement of hands.
Anamnesis morbi: According to information received from relatives the patient was crashed by crash. He was brought to regional Medical Centre, to reanimation.
Anamnesis vitae
According to information received from mother he didn’t have any skin diseases, never has derma to venerologik,tuberculosis.he doesn’t have genetic disease. The patient had an operation with problems as anterior spondylosyndesis.C 5-C7 with Atlantis system, and by epicystostomy.After X-ray all problems are solved which he had before.The patient breaths by instrument.he can’t breath himself that’s why they did an operation by putting tracheotomy.His condition was so serious and he consulted at professor and he was advised to be at Regional medical centre..He was output for neurorehabilitation.
Anamnesis vitae
According to information received from mother he didn’t have any skin diseases, never has derma to venerologik,tuberculosis.he doesn’t have genetic disease. The patient had an operation with problems as anterior spondylosyndesis.C 5-C7 with Atlantis system,and by epicystostomy. had serious type of anemia that’s why he took 473 ml of 2 dose blood transfusion.He doesn’t have bad habits.
Status praesense communis
Condition of patient is so hard,dysfunction of spinal cord.Body structure is normosthenic.Colour of skin is normal,clean,body temperature is 36 C,wetty.Condition of eyes are clean.Shape of nose is not changed, breathing is normal.Type of breathing is mixed.,rhythmical.Breathing is 18 time per minute.Vesicular breathing on lungs’ auscultation,there is not any vibration while breathing.On heart auscultation the sound of heart is normal,rhythmical.The colour of oral cavity is pink,clear.The shape of tongue is normal,dry.Inside is soft,there are n’t any peritonitis symptoms.
Status nevrosus
He answers all questions very adequate. He has an orientation.Photoreaction is saved. D=S. Tongue’s position is by central stripe. The function of teeth is normal.Tetraplegia. Lower part of chest is nonsense to any medicine. Dysfunction of pelvis organs on central type. Pains on spinal cord.
Last: hemoglobin-134, erythrocyte-3.8, leukocyte-6.6, monocyte-5.4, lymphocyte-35.3.
Previos: protein-59.2, albumin-33.6, bilirubin-10,20, sugar-5,04, urea-5.1, creatinine-89.0
After rehabilitation condition of patient is normal,but after treatment all pains such as Superior flabby Para paresis, lower paraplegia. Dysfunction of pelvis organs on central type is left.
- Must be on the observation of neurologist,urologist.
- Breathing gymnastic,acupuncture,massage.
- Renal tea.
- Doesn’t have complication of lungs.
- To continue rehabilitation at Regional Medical Centre,neurosurgery section.
Full information of diagnoses
 Paraparesis and lower paraplegia
Heavy spinal cord trauma. Unstable fracture dislocation of body. C6. Hurt crushing of spinal cord. Superior flabby paraparesis, lower paraplegia. Dysfunction of pelvis organs on central type. Condition after posterior and anterior spondylosyndesis. Condition after tracheostomy, epicystostomy. Sepsis. Septic shock on background of bilateral infiltrate pneumonia. Serious degree of anemia,spinal cord trauma,paraplegia.
Anamnesis morbi
Carcrash on 16.12.12.Operation on 18.12.12. On 18.12.12 the patient had an operation with problems as anterior spondylosyndesis.C 5-C7 with Atlantis system,and by epicystostomy.After X-ray all problems are solved which he had before.The patient breaths by instrument.he can’t breath himself that’s why they did an operation on 24.12.12 by putting tracheostomy.
Anamnesis vitae
According to information received from mother he didn’t have any skin diseases, never has derma to venerologik,tuberculosis.he doesn’t have genetic disease.
Status nevrosus
Level of consciousness of 15 points on a scale of Glasgow. Photoreaction is alive, symmetrical face, swallowing and phonation are not violated. urinating by epitsistostome. muscle strength in the legs and in the bones is 0. Dysfunction of pelvis organs.
Injury without signs of inflammation with sluggish granulation and fibrin coating in the area of the scar in the area of the projection of the vertebral.C4-Th1.
Indicators of laboratory and instrumental examinations for admission to the respective lists of hospitalization at Scientific Medical Centre. fracture-dislocation of the spine, chronic bronchitis, blood negative for HIV, hepatitis B negative blood, some reduction in the size of the left kidney;
Conclusion urologist: disruption of the pelvic nitrogen bladder, cystitis secondary.
Operation 1: Front access parafaringialny left, the removal of metal, resection of the body.
Operation 2: rear access, spinal fusion neurological status in the dynamics unchanged, there is not any active movement of the lower limbs.Was output home in a satisfactory condition. recommended: observation by a neurologist, avoid colds and physical activity, occupational therapy courses at the neuropathologist.
Rehabilitation treatment
Some reduction in the size of the left kidney;
Course of rehabilitation treatment is completed, the patient is discharged home in a satisfactory condition. during treatment with positive dynamics. improved overall health. stable hemodynamics, pain in the cervical vertebra.
When you receive a complaint: pain in the cervical spine, enhancing when turning the head. Weakness and violation sensibility in the limbs, limitation of movement in the hands, disruption of the pelvic weakness.
A laser-projection of the bladder: magneto-on the distal upper and lower extremities. bladder to the distal upper and lower extremities: mineral wax on the distal lower extremities massage of the lumbosacral spine of the lower extremities.
postural exercises in neck braces, dosed.
 gastric cancer
A female friend of mine ( aged 25 ) from Dubai was diagnoses as having gastric cancer 2 months ago. She has had part of her stomach removed in a hospital in Shiraz ( Iran ). She has been told by the doctor who did the operation, to go immediately to Germany for the continuation of her treatment. Please kindly advise as to exactly where in Germany is best for her to go for the continuation of her treatment.
Thanking you for your kind attention, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for contacting our Medical Services for information on obtaining medical care for you.
In order for our physicians to properly review this case and determine an appropriate course of treatment, we would need additional information.
Please complete the attached New Patient Form and sign the Financial Policy statement and return the forms along with all pertinent medical records in German or English (including any CT scans, MRIs or x-rays, etc).
In order to give a 2nd opinion the doctors need to know/receive:
- Clinical notes, medical history,
- Treatment he has received up till now Chemo? Dosage & frequency?
- Radiation? Dosage & frequency?
- His symptoms?
- Current list of medication
- List of operations/surgeriesOperative report
- Pathology slides and reports.
- A copy of the images of his PET CT Scan on a CD sent to our address below.
Also, as of January 1, 2000 we are required to verify patient identity. Please review the attached document which list acceptable forms of identification.
Please send a copy of his photo identification to our Medical Services Department with his completed patient forms and medical records and be prepared to show his original photo documentation when he arrives for his appointment(s).
You may return the forms/medical records via e-mail and you can return these forms to our office via regular mail, DHL, Fed Ex or UPS to our address.
Once we have received this information, our physicians will review the case and advise accordingly. Please be advised that there may be a fee associated with this consult.
 Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases in Munich
Please consider the possibility of treatment / extending the life of comfort for my brother.
Oncology Clinic in Belarus diagnoses (by a consultation) Generalized form of cancer (adenocarcinoma) with no established primary focus with the defeat of the skeleton and bone marrow, the development of DIC.
Diagnosis: Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow (S79.5).
Multiple mts adenocarcinoma in bones of the skeleton of an unknown primary tumor. State after trephine biopsy of the tumor left iliac region (22.03.2013g.). Chronic DIC. Progressive liver-kidney failure.
TNM: Tx Nx M1 stage IV
These morphological studies:
Adenocarcinoma NOS [8140/3]
cell tumor (most likely adenocarcinoma)
Metastases: regional – not found
remote – in the bones
19/03/2013 Analyses:
Blood for tumor markers: CEA> 1000 ng / ml, CA19-9> 1000 kg / ml ACE 2,08 ME / ml PSA total. 0.55 ng / ml
APTT: 32.3 sec
Fibrinogen 1.6 g / l
Thrombin time: 21.2 seconds
Large bruises all over his body.
In its current state: morphine analgesia 4 p / day. In the mind.
Please advise whether it is possible hospitalization and emergency treatment options for the patient.
P.S. There is a history of the disease in the pdf in Russian.
We are ready at any time convenient for you to organize a consultation with our professors and if necessary treatment at the clinic.
To concretize the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the proposals, please provide us with the following information:
- A copy of the first page of your passport (for authorization).
- Case history and all the results of this research, etc.
- The date of the desired arrival.
Payment for medical care you will make doctors and hospitals directly.
 Treatment of Barrett’s esophagus in Germany
In 2008 I was diagnosed with esophagus Barrett. Sigmenta length of 6.5 cm
All these years I was taking rabeprazole (40) and Gaviscon and regularly made gastroscopy.
But the improvement was not observed.
The latest survey showed presence of polyps in the stomach and easy dysplasia in the esophagus. My doctor believes that as my case I for the treatment of esophageal shown BARRX Radiofrequency aplation (HALO 360). But in Moscow, this device is not present.
I am wondering whether there was in your clinic treatment of Barrett’s esophagus. Treatment by BARRX radioyaastotnoy ablation is crucial when choosing clinic in Germany.
Certainly we have at the disposal of the unit BARRX Radiofrequency aplation and on par with other modern methods of treatment Barrett’s esophagus in Munich is used and the method of treatment BARRX.
To concretize our offerings, you will need to sign an agreement with us, send us a copy of the first page of your passport and your case history.
 Treatment of tinnitus in Germany
How to apply for treatment at the clinic with the acquisition of CP acoustic neuromodulator in Germany?
It’s enough to sign the agreement sent by us and send us a copy of the first page of your passport.
What are the tentative dates of treatment in Germany?
According to German law, before proceeding with the treatment of the disease (in your case, tinnitus), the clinic is obliged to make a full diagnosis and establish a definitive diagnosis. This gives you the absolute advantage, because Tinnitus – is another manifestation of the disease, not the disease itself!
For example, tinnitus arises in the chamber, the lack of oxygen in the blood, severe hearing loss, thrombophlebitis, etc. Therefore, the treatment of tinnitus in Germany can take from 2 days to several months. But in 90% of cases it is not required to conduct stationary and may continue treatment at home.
How much does the treatment of tinnitus in Germany?
Consultation with our professor is about 500 €. It does not include the price of research and analysis, which assigns (recommended) Professor individually.
How much does in the medical tourism in Germany?
Everything is written in our agreement with the patients. If you need additional services, such as: VIP service, limousine service in Germany, help with accommodation in Munich, etc., depending on the volume of our work will be determined by the price.
NB!!! To continue (or start) our dialogue and focusing our offerings, you will need to sign an agreement sent by us and send us a copy of the first page of your passport.
Recently began to notice a gradual painless enlargement and discomfort in the right half of the scrotum. addressed to the urologist, performed ultrasound, and the appendage of the left testicle is not changed. The right testicle with fuzzy rough contours, heterogeneous parenchyma due to inclusions hypoechoic nodular structure, the size of eggs 11.2 x6, 7 cm The epididymis is not changed. When DRC is marked diffuse increase in blood flow in the right testicle.
AFP – 1.0 IU / mL hCG – 1.1 mIU / mL LDH – 2575 units / l.
Our doctors suspect cancer.
What is required for the passage of diagnosis in Munich?
To assist in the organization of diagnosis and treatment seminoma testicular (ie, testicular cancer) you want to start to send the case history.
 Diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease
CT scan of the ABDOMINAL
Scan Mode: spiral. Slice thickness: 1.0 mm Contrast enhancement – omnipak-350 100ml intravenously. The patient’s consent to the introduction of contrast agents received. Pathological reactions to the introduction was not recorded.
The liver is usually not changed shape, dimensions: 17.4 cm right lobe, left 5.7 cm contours of her smooth, precise. The structure of homogeneous parenchyma density natively +43 H11. Intra-and extrahepatic bile ducts are not dilated.
The gallbladder is usually not increased. In the lumen of radiopaque stones were found.
Gate, splenic, inferior vena cava is not extended.
The spleen is usually normal shape, size 14,8 x4, 8 cm, the contours of her smooth, clear, homogeneous structure, the density of the parenchyma natively +45 H11. The pancreas is a typical shape and size (26 mm head., The body is 24 mm, tail 22 mm. Its normal, the structure of the parenchyma moderately diffuse inhomogeneous density natively +30 BUT, clear outlines. Pancreatic duct with no signs of obstruction, not expanded. Parapancreatic Fiber is not changed. Determined conglomerates lymph nodes: in the gate spleen size up to 58×42 mm. (with gipodensivnymi sites in the structure), para-aortic to 37×30 mm.
Free fluid in the abdominal cavity were not detected. Bone-destructive changes were found.
Conclusion: CT signs of lymphoproliferative disease with enlarged lymph nodes and spleen at the gate paraaorgalnoy group (lymphoma). Hepatosplenomegaly.
Diffuse changes in the liver, pancreas
Difficulty diagnosing neurological, orthopedic children’s diseases.
 Treatment of hallux valgus foot in Germany.
My baby is 12 years old and up to now there is no definitive diagnosis.
How and from whom a consultation to clarify the diagnosis.
The child was born prematurely at 34 weeks, weighing 2.450 g, height 45 cm.
During pregnancy, the mother at the time had the flu.
Originally had the following diagnoses:
- perinatal encephalopathy in an easy manner.
- congenital subluxation of the hip joint.
- valgus foot.Rebemok gone to 1 year and 5 months, were treated by orthopedic (struts and tutara).
Wrapped legs, put your right foot on the toe.
Podiatrists (Rossiykogo Orthopaedic Institute) as a result determined that it is not their area, and neurology.
Neuroscientists pervonochalno seeing gait diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but on closer inspection threw up his hands and removed pervonochalny cerebral palsy.
Repeated MRI of the spinal cord showed no abnormalities.
Brain MRI revealed the following:
- ventriculomegaly posterior horns of the lateral ventricles of the brain.
- periventricular areas of gliosis.
- arachnoid changes.In the genetic diagnosis of congenital heart disease mesenchymal connective tissue.
Now add the diagnosis of residual-organic brain damage in violation of the pyramidal tract in mild.
Treatment given: 2 times per year rate neyromultivita and rehabilitation.A child over 3 years studied the piano. Now he is learning well and the last 4 years enjoys horseback riding, swimming, diving. Serves himself.
But when walking impaired coordination, loses his balance, could fall.
Up the stairs without support from labor.
Down stairs – only with the support of adults, or holding on to the railing.What can you recommend?
 Diagnosis in Munich
To start, we would advise you to consult a neurologist professor in Munich. In parallel, no matter what time to lose, we would recommend and refer to podiatrist, as The obvious problem with the bones and muscles of the legs.
For this course you will have a child to come to Munich. According to the results of the initial consultations will be clear which studies and analyzes have to do and how long it will take.
cost initial consultation with Professor is a neurologist from 400 €, and a podiatrist from 300 €. These prices do not include the cost of analysis and research, but they will be known to you after you assign them a doctor, but before your child they will do.
At the end you will receive an offer diagnostics pass treatment in Germany, with a very high probability it will treatment in Munich.
If you are interested in our offer, please fill in the form and send it to us along with all the case history (extracts, analysis and research.)
I would like to clarify what is going in a text document?
We are more interested in genetics counseling and the upper limit value of such consultations.
Whose passport is needed, or my child?
The cost of the initial consultation with a genetics is 500 €. This price does not include the cost of analysis and research, but they will be known to you before they will do. A genetic diagnosis in Germany provides the required first contact with a physician-geneticist, which determines the amount of required research and analysis. Today it is possible to organize a reception at genetics in the second week of February, that is, at least 3 weeks.
However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that probably without a neurologist about podiatrist is necessary. And if the proposed price acceptable to you, then I would be in your place the necessary pre-planned visits. Treatment in Germany, as well as diagnostics, require planning in advance and usually are not organized at the last minute. I want to warn you of errors and help make better use of time in Munich.
Clarify that the passport must be the child (if any), and if not, then that’s okay, because child will be written in one of the parents’ passports. If necessary visa support, will require a passport and child and all accompanying persons.
For more information about Difficulties with diagnosis in a child please go to medical advice.