Recently began to notice a gradual painless enlargement and discomfort in the right half of the scrotum. addressed to the urologist, performed ultrasound, and the appendage of the left testicle is not changed. The right testicle with fuzzy rough contours, heterogeneous parenchyma due to inclusions hypoechoic nodular structure, the size of eggs 11.2 x6, 7 cm The epididymis is not changed. When DRC is marked diffuse increase in blood flow in the right testicle.
AFP – 1.0 IU / mL hCG – 1.1 mIU / mL LDH – 2575 units / l.
Our doctors suspect cancer.
What is required for the passage of diagnosis in Munich?
To assist in the organization of diagnosis and treatment seminoma testicular (ie, testicular cancer) you want to start to send the case history.