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Tag: neurological germany

Difficulties with diagnosis in a child

Difficulty diagnosing neurological, orthopedic children’s diseases.

The treatment and diagnosis of hallux valgus foot in Germany.

Treatment of hallux valgus foot in Germany.

My baby is 12 years old and up to now there is no definitive diagnosis.
How and from whom a consultation to clarify the diagnosis.

The child was born prematurely at 34 weeks, weighing 2.450 g, height 45 cm.
During pregnancy, the mother at the time had the flu.
Originally had the following diagnoses:

  • perinatal encephalopathy in an easy manner.
  • congenital subluxation of the hip joint.
  • valgus foot.Rebemok gone to 1 year and 5 months, were treated by orthopedic (struts and tutara).

Wrapped legs, put your right foot on the toe.
Podiatrists (Rossiykogo Orthopaedic Institute) as a result determined that it is not their area, and neurology.
Neuroscientists pervonochalno seeing gait diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but on closer inspection threw up his hands and removed pervonochalny cerebral palsy.
Repeated MRI of the spinal cord showed no abnormalities.
Brain MRI revealed the following:

  • ventriculomegaly posterior horns of the lateral ventricles of the brain.
  • periventricular areas of gliosis.
  • arachnoid changes.In the genetic diagnosis of congenital heart disease mesenchymal connective tissue.

Now add the diagnosis of residual-organic brain damage in violation of the pyramidal tract in mild.
Treatment given: 2 times per year rate neyromultivita and rehabilitation.A child over 3 years studied the piano. Now he is learning well and the last 4 years enjoys horseback riding, swimming, diving. Serves himself.
But when walking impaired coordination, loses his balance, could fall.
Up the stairs without support from labor.
Down stairs – only with the support of adults, or holding on to the railing.What can you recommend?


Diagnosis in Munich

Diagnosis in Munich

To start, we would advise you to consult a neurologist professor in Munich. In parallel, no matter what time to lose, we would recommend and refer to podiatrist, as The obvious problem with the bones and muscles of the legs.
For this course you will have a child to come to Munich. According to the results of the initial consultations will be clear which studies and analyzes have to do and how long it will take.
cost initial consultation with Professor is a neurologist from 400 €, and a podiatrist from 300 €. These prices do not include the cost of analysis and research, but they will be known to you after you assign them a doctor, but before your child they will do.
At the end you will receive an offer diagnostics pass treatment in Germany, with a very high probability it will treatment in Munich.

If you are interested in our offer, please fill in the form and send it to us along with all the case history (extracts, analysis and research.)

I would like to clarify what is going in a text document?
We are more interested in genetics counseling and the upper limit value of such consultations.
Whose passport is needed, or my child?


The cost of the initial consultation with a genetics is 500 €. This price does not include the cost of analysis and research, but they will be known to you before they will do. A genetic diagnosis in Germany provides the required first contact with a physician-geneticist, which determines the amount of required research and analysis. Today it is possible to organize a reception at genetics in the second week of February, that is, at least 3 weeks.

However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that probably without a neurologist about podiatrist is necessary. And if the proposed price acceptable to you, then I would be in your place the necessary pre-planned visits. Treatment in Germany, as well as diagnostics, require planning in advance and usually are not organized at the last minute. I want to warn you of errors and help make better use of time in Munich.

Clarify that the passport must be the child (if any), and if not, then that’s okay, because child will be written in one of the parents’ passports. If necessary visa support, will require a passport and child and all accompanying persons.

For more information about Difficulties with diagnosis in a child please go to medical advice.